Crone Culture

Crone Culture header montage

Crone Culture Becca Levy’s work at Yale University proves that for the sake of our health and longevity, it is essential to cultivate a positive attitude about aging. One great approach is to explore the culture of women past midlife. Because here is the secret: Despite the often negative portrayals of older women in the […]

Let She Who Grows Her Chin Hairs

Let She Who Grows Her Chin Hairs Cast the First Stone Motage Header

Let She Who Grows Her Chin Hairs Cast the First Stone I have had it up to here with women who critique other women’s appearance—and that includes me. I was totally judgmental when I first saw the photos of Madonna from the 2023 Grammys. Her  look provoked an uncanny valley reaction: Madonna seemed to me […]

A Week of Fun Pro-Age Writing Prompts

Header montage for A Week of Fun Pro-Age Writing Prompts.

A Week of Fun Pro-Age Writing Prompts We know that age positivity is good for us. Pushing back on internalized ageism helps us live longer, healthier, happier lives. We also know that creativity is powerfully important, especially during our older years. And, too, we know that the tales we tell define our reality. As the […]

The Second Half Is Better

The Real Reason the Second Half Is Better Header Montage

The Second Half Is Better When I was 32, I was at a gas station filling up the tank when I caught my reflection in the car window. I stared at myself for a long time. It was the first time I had noticed that my jowls were hanging a little lower than I remembered. […]

If Thy Uterus Offend Thee

If Thy Uterus Offend Thee Header

If Thy Uterus Offend Thee… According to author Deborah Copaken, Nora Ephron had three rules for middle aged happiness: “Gather friends and feed them, laugh in the face of calamity, and cut out all the things––people, jobs, body parts––that no longer serve you.” And by body parts, Ephron meant one in particular: “The only thing […]

A Late Valentine for Late Bloomers

A Late Valentine for Late Bloomers

A Late Valentine for Late Bloomers February, with its hearts and flowers, is a great month to consider what each of us wants romantically, sensually, and sexually. After all, we are born to be creative and sensual. It’s no surprise that studies show that sex after sixty is good for us. It improves our heart […]

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Stella Fosse