LivingBetter50 is an online women’s publication covering everything from “Beauty-to-Business” – To encourage women to live better physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually! LivingBetter50 focuses on the positive
The internet is, as we are all discovering, a terrific place to learn and to build community with other mid-life, what I refer to as “ripe”, women. We also have learned that it can be a place that can hold many errors, falsehoods and perpetuate myths and biases. I hope that in using these resources (and letting me know of others I should add) you will both keep that in mind and feel empowered to challenge (kindly, of course) a source when necessary.
I try to do this, and my “biases” are demonstrated in Stella’s Manifesto.
Adopt and adapt from that as you wish!
LivingBetter50 is an online women’s publication covering everything from “Beauty-to-Business” – To encourage women to live better physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually! LivingBetter50 focuses on the positive
Online since 2006 and relaunched in fall 2012, SeniorPlanet.org celebrates aging by sharing information and resources that support aging with attitude, and helps people who
Sixty and Me claims to be “THE LARGEST GLOBAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE FOR DYNAMIC OLDER WOMEN” And it claims it in capital letters, so it must be
Diane Dahli’s blog page and reflections as a “pre-boomer”.
An online magazine dedicated to mature women living well.
The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is a United States-based membership organization primarily focused on serving Baby Boomer Women (normally identified as those born
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