9 Ways to Defeat The Fear of Freedom

The Fear of Freedom Defining Our Goals in Later Life We spend much of our adult lives racing around like chickens with their heads cut off. Sadly, the entry of most women into full-time employment, which happened in our lifetimes, did not mean that spouses took on half the unpaid toil of keeping house and […]
The Power of Late Bloomers

The Power of Late Bloomers The attempts to disempower an American woman unfold across her lifetime. She is sexualized as a young girl, loses her reproductive freedom as a young woman, takes on the “Second Shift” as a mother, and becomes invisible after menopause. Rendering women over fifty invisible is insidious because in reality age […]
Proscriptions based on gender are illusory

Proscriptions based on gender are illusory — that’s what I learned from women bronc riders This spring, my historical novel, Sunny Gale, was published by Pronghorn Press. Sunny Gale is a fictionalization of the era of women’s professional rodeo from roughly 1895 to the early 1930’s. My own journey to this era and back expanded […]
3 Ways to Report an Adverse Medication Reaction

3 Ways to Report an Adverse Medication Reaction I recently spoke with a woman over 65 who was recovering from a serious adverse reaction to a prescription drug. She notified her doctor and stopped taking the medication, but she wanted to do more. She was concerned that in the future, others might experience similar reactions. […]
Our Flower Blooms Power!

Our Flower Blooms Power! Do you use a vibrator? Is it connected to an app on your phone? Does the app have controls that personalize the experience and make your pleasure feel like a game? Or maybe you went to one of those websites that let you design a digital lover, your dream companion, someone […]
DNA and Democracy

DNA and Democracy I have just published my new book: DINA: Nature’s Case For Democracy. In it, I describe how democracy preceded humans by about two billion years. Of course, we don’t call it democracy in nature. We call the beings that practice democracy by their common names like bees and tigers and trees and […]