Stella Fosse Author
Stella Fosse is the nom de plume of an author of a certain age, who in her sixties started writing sexy stories as a creative antidote to the ageism and sexism older women face in society. She champions older women’s creativity by leading workshops in seasoned romance, erotica, and memoir writing. Stella is a frequent guest on podcasts for women past midlife. She has been published in many online venues.
Stella also blogs about issues of interest to Women of a Certain Age, including creativity, romance, and older women’s health.
Her new book Write & Sell a Well-Seasoned Romance, empowers women to tell vivid stories of late life love. Traditionally published works include her book Aphrodite’s Pen: The Power of Writing Erotica after Midlife. Stella’s story collection, The Erotic Pandemic Collection, is an imaginative exploration of romance in quarantine. Her first novel, Brilliant Charming Bastard, is a nerdy, romantic escapade through the San Francisco biotech scene. Her second novel, Vampires of a Certain Age, expands her exploration of the vivid lives of older women.
Stella hails from California and shares the joy and empowerment of writing past midlife with women in her adopted state of North Carolina. She enjoys gathering online with women all over the world to write and laugh together. Stella’s books are available at your local bookseller and your favorite online place. She shares her writing, as well as ideas and resources for empowering women past midlife.
You can find all Stella’s books here.
You can sign up for a FREE online writing class.
Stella wishes you joy exploring!
The "Why" - Stella's Manifesto.
A decade ago, I was surprised to read an article by a romance author in her fifties recommending to her sisters that we disguise ourselves and our characters as young. Her reasoning was that young sex gets published and old sex does not. Why not pass, borrow the privilege of youth, and make more money? But the flip side of passing is the lost opportunity to expand our horizons and educate others. When we let people assume we are different than who we are, we allow them to continue their denial. We make a tacit agreement: "I won't rock your boat and you won't treat me as less-than." Passing is helpful in the short term, but it has costs: in attitudes that don't change, in lost opportunities for personal growth. Still, we must choose our battles. For example, I’m not ready to let my hair go grey. I am not prepared for the uphill slog of proving to each person I meet that I remain vivid and capable. Plus, why shouldn't I have the same right to dye my hair as a younger woman? I respect women who choose to go grey, but it’s not my fight.
Publishing sexy characters past midlife, and encouraging others to do the same, is my chosen battle. This is our voice. This is our opportunity to let others in on the "secret" that women past midlife are vibrant and alive. That when we live in sin, we are blissfully sinning; that when we marry, we want more than a companion; that whether single or in relationship, our sexuality is our innate birthright.
To write past midlife is a fun revolution: a creative way to thumb our noses at the dominant narrative. We write vibrant characters who share our complexity: humans who have lived full lives, loved much, desired much, and experienced much. And what we do when we break stereotypes is part of the larger struggle for equality. As we push back on gendered ageism, let us support our Sisters of a Certain Age who also face ableism, racism, homophobia, fatphobia, and antisemitism.
Let's be brave and fearless and sexy, let's find our voices, take our paths, strut our stuff. Let us be each other's biggest fans. Let us read books by and for older women. Let us write fearlessly, read joyfully, and love passionately.
If not now, when?
If not us, who?
Keep the pen moving (and the keys clicking)Stella Fosse

We Want YOU! get involved: send us your blog or article for publication on Stella's site.
Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest blog for the Stella website.
We typically feature a guest essay by a woman over fifty on the tenth of each month.
Here are the key guidelines.
- Submit the draft text of your proposed piece. We prefer plain text, with a length of 750-1200 words.
- Please send only material that has not been published previously (including on your own blog).
- Your topic should be related to Stella’s themes:
- Creativity (especially writing)
- Sexuality and sensuality after midlife
- Women’s health after the onset of menopause
- Finances and housing options for older women
- Subverting gendered ageism
- Being a mother and grandmother
- Our legacy.
Submissions from women authors with new books are especially welcome!
Here’s what we need from you:
- Please send a headshot in jpg format 800 pixels on the long side, standard ARGB or SRGB
- Please provide your byline (or pseudonym – if you use one)
- Also provide your real name and age (decade is fine!)
- Submit a short bio (up to 100 words – we may edit it for length)
- Your email address
- The link to your website (if you have one)
- Also send a link to your blog (if you have one)
- And send links to social media accounts you would like us to include in your blog.
Here is what happens once we receive your materials:
- We may ask you to edit your text, especially if more development is needed.
- We may edit your text for clarity and length.
We cannot guarantee publication in a particular month, and the order of publication is subject to change.
We will do our best to accommodate time sensitivity when authors are promoting a new book.
Email your draft text, head shot and brief bio to writers [at] stellafosse [dot] com and we’ll be in touch.
Stella in the News
- Interview: Marcia Meier / Girl Talk: Women, Aging and Sexuality Podcast
- Article: Writing Ageless Erotica: The Ultimate Midlife Passion
- Blog: Why I Wrote an Erotic Story about Hysterectomy
- Blog: The Joys of Writing about Older Sex
- Blog: AgeBuster - Because of (not despite) Our Age
- Story: The Pumpkin-Child
- Blog: Why You and I Should Both Write Erotica
- Blog: Life experience with sex and ageing
- Article: We Have Just as Much Right to Live and Enjoy Life as Anyone Else
- Blog: Stella Fosse on How to Write Erotica after 50
- Blog: Starts at 60: What I’ve learned about sex and how it can change in your 60s
- Article: “Sexuality is our birthright, throughout life”
- Article: “I Enjoy Being More Intimate With My Partner”
- Video Interview: Midlife Confidential | The Virtual Parlour For Women Over 40
- New York Magazine
- The Thing About Aging podcast: Elderotica
- News: Rowan Senior Savvy Article
- Podcast: With Wendy Green of Hey, Boomer
- This Age Thing - Royal College or Art Design Age Institute
- Podcast with Mary Labrie
- The EndGame Podcast -The Wildest Encore Career Ever
- Seasoned Romance: A Great NaNoWriMo Project
- Renegade Women: Celebrating Writing After Sixty
- Writing The Whole Shark
- Interview: Erotica and the Older Woman
- The Geezer Proofer Podcast
- Women to Watch 2024
- AI, Software, and Wetware
- The Business of Erotic Writing and Seasoned Romance
- Bonus: The Business of Erotic Writing and Seasoned Romance
- Indie Author Insider (audio and transcript)
- 6Ps in AI Pods
- Capture Your Sexy Stories
- Unleashing Creativity: Empowering Older Women Through Writing
- Love, In So Many Words
- Empowering the Creative in Later Life (Podcast)
- Empowering the Creative in Later Life (transcript)
- Sex Advice for Seniors Podcast
Stella Fosse, Author
Mailing Address: 125 S Estes Drive #4311, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
Email Contacts:
Stella: stella [at] stellafosse [dot] com
Web Problems: webmaster [at] stellafosse [dot] com
Press, PR, speaking, book club scheduling, operational issues, etc., etc: graham [at] stellafosse [dot] com