10 Things to Know When You Turn Sixty

10 Things to Know When You Turn Sixty “Aging happens, because we cannot stop it, and it is not what we feared.” –Victoria Smith, Hags On the morning of my sixtieth birthday party, my firstborn and I walked to a breakfast cafe in Berkeley. “It’s funny,” I said. “I don’t feel old. I feel great.” […]
Please Stop Apologizing for Contacting Me

Please Stop Apologizing for Contacting Me Dear Women 50+, It doesn’t take more than a few clicks to find publications aimed at women over 50 years of age. My first try brings me to “15 Over 50 Magazines & Publications.” The next article is from the Guardian informing me about the “rise of older female […]
10 Steps to Write a Great Seasoned Sex Scene

10 Steps to Write a Great Seasoned Sex Scene At their best, sex and writing have a lot in common: two forms of play that engage us creatively with others. Both make us vulnerable. And there is no subject we can write about that makes us more vulnerable than sex—even more so for older women […]
Publish Sexy Stories after Midlife

Publish Sexy Stories after Midlife Some of us who are writers don’t quite know what we think until we write it down. So writing our erotic stories is liberating, even if we never show them to another living soul. If you would like a boost to keep the pen moving, you’ll find two FREE self-taught […]
And Now the Days of Writerly Excess

And Now the Days of Writerly Excess When October has come and gone, when your costume is back in the box and your Jack O’Lantern has grinned its last grin, it’s time for that annual festival of writerly excess, National Novel Writing Month. If you have ever struggled with your Inner Critic, if she […]
Who Says Erotica is Porn?

Who Says Erotica is Porn? I got into a minor spat with a romance writer one day. She was talking online about how much writing romance means to her as an older woman, which I totally understand. Just like writing erotica, writing romance for older women has that wonderful ability to bring our stories to […]