How Stella Got her Groove Back

Angela Bassett stars as an adrenaline-driven forty-year-old financial trader who flies to Jamaica on a whim for an overdue vacation. Gorgeous as Bassett is, her struggles to believe in a younger man’s passion are all too realistic. Whoopie Goldberg shows off her great comic skills as Stella’s best friend and travel companion. Sexy dancing, hot scenery, and cougar love make this film delicious entertainment. The story allows us to see a woman past midlife as exquisite, even while she fears being seen as a “desperate” woman. Stella grows to accept the reality of being beautiful and loved. The sequel I would love to see: Bassett playing a woman in her sixties who is confident in her beauty, while her younger lover struggles with the social reaction to their relationship. *Stella* is based on the novel by Terry McMillan, in turn inspired by McMillan’s own tropical love affair.

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Stella Fosse