A Memoirist Discovers the Magic of Fiction

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A Memoirist Discovers the Magic of Fiction Linda Joy Myers A memoirist for decades, I’m still in a bit of shock having just published a novel! My debut historical fiction book The Forger of Marseille was released in early July, and so far all signs suggest that people are interested in reading about WWII France. […]

A Coming-of-Middle-Age Commencement Address

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A Coming-of-Middle-Age Commencement Address: The Intersection of What If and What Next I published my first novel a mere six days after my eldest child graduated high school. The metaphor is not lost on me. In fact, the juxtaposition of these milestones helped me process my feelings about both in a way that was healthier […]

Waiting for Friday

Waiting for Friday Montage for Blog

Waiting for Friday….. About my new book… My new novel Under the Blue Moon is about a woman who has been living for years with grief and regret and a man who, as a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, has recently become homeless. The book cuts back and forth […]

No Longer Invisible: Empowered After Fifty

No Longer Invisible: Empowered After Fifty Montage Image

No Longer Invisible: Empowered After Fifty When in my early sixties, I sensed something had shifted—I felt like people ignored me more often. When I went shopping, I noticed it became harder to get salespeople’s attention; sometimes, they acted like they couldn’t see me. I felt demeaned when a dental assistant referred to me as […]

A Late Valentine for Late Bloomers

A Late Valentine for Late Bloomers

A Late Valentine for Late Bloomers February, with its hearts and flowers, is a great month to consider what each of us wants romantically, sensually, and sexually. After all, we are born to be creative and sensual. It’s no surprise that studies show that sex after sixty is good for us. It improves our heart […]

Polyamorous Elders: Aging in Open Relationships

Montage for Polyamorous Elders: Aging in Open Relationships

Polyamorous Elders: Aging in Open Relationships If polyamory is new or unfamiliar to you, you aren’t alone! Until a few years ago, most people who practiced any relationship style other than monogamy were very discreet and kept their polyamorous lives private. Nonmonogamous relationships were treated with disapproval at best, or fear and contempt at worst. […]

Hi, I'm Stella Fosse.

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Stella Fosse