Into Your Eighties Joining Hands Across Generations

Into Your Eighties Joining Hands Across Generations header montage

 Into Your Eighties Joining Hands Across Generations In Part One of our series on Joining Hands Across Generations, forty-something Tera Johnson-Swartz (founder of Midlife_It) posed a question to sixty-something Stella, which Stella answered in Part Two. In this final part, Stella (the sixty-something) talks with Dr. Ruth Saxton, our eighty-something, about the importance of older […]

The 32 Week Baby in the Jar

The 32 Week Baby in the Jar - montage header for blog

The 32 Week Baby in the Jar I was 34 when I returned to school for a Masters Degree in Biology.  It was 1987 and my twin sons were six years old.  I sat in the front row for the first day of Developmental Biology.  Directly in front of me was a table with jars […]

Joining Hands Across Generations

Joining Hands Across Generations

Joining Hands Across Generations – Your Fabulous Sixties In Part One of our series on Joining Hands Across Generations, forty-something Tera Johnson-Swartz (founder of Midlife_It) posed this question to sixty-something Stella: If there were something you wish you could have told a younger, more naive you, or even a woman approaching or just entering midlife, […]

Joining Hands Across Generations | Newly Minted Crones

Joining Hands Across Generations - Newly Minted Crones

Joining Hands Across Generations – Newly Minted Crones Cronedom is not just one generation.  It begins in our forties and extends to the end of life, which for some of us happens in our nineties or more.  At each stage we have much to learn from one another:  Newly menopausal women can learn from sisters who […]

Falling In Love With Characters

Falling In Love With Characters header montage

Falling In Love With Characters I understand now why authors write sequels:  Because it’s tough to walk away from your characters at the end of your novel.  The lead women characters in Brilliant Charming Bastard—Rose, Joyce and Maxine—have been my companions for almost two years. Rose Bingham spent her career as a professor of Biology […]

End the Divide between Young and Old

To Conquer End the Divide between Young and Old

To Conquer – End the Divide between Young and Old One of my favorite cartoons shows a medieval king in a gold crown standing on castle ramparts with a robed advisor by his side.  Down below, a crowd of angry peasants gathers to storm the castle, half of them armed with pitchforks and the other […]

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Stella Fosse